October 17, 2024

During an audience granted to HM the King’s Ambassador in Abuja, Moha Ou Ali Tagma, the President of the ECOWAS Commission said he followed with great interest the speech of His Majesty the King, may God assist Him, on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Green March.

Touray welcomed the importance of the Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline project in the royal speech.

He also hailed the progress of the project and the positive impact it will have on the entire West African region and its people.

Touré emphasized that this project, in which ECOWAS is a stakeholder, will contribute to greater integration in the region.

In His speech, His Majesty the King said that the Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline project (NMGP), intended for the present and future generations, works “for peace, for African economic integration and for co-development.”

“Given the continental dimension of the NMGP, I consider it to be a major flagship project which will link Africa to Europe,” stressed the Sovereign.

“Considering the special importance I attach to the partnership with West African countries, I consider the Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline Project to be more than just a bilateral project between two sister nations,” said HM the King, adding that “in fact, I want this to be a strategic project that benefits all of West Africa – a region which is home to more than 440 million people.”

HM the King noted in this regard that in addition to Morocco and Mauritania, this pipeline offers the fifteen ECOWAS countries opportunities and guarantees in terms of energy security and economic, industrial and social development.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse