HM King Mohammed VI Offers Condolences to Late Ahmed Chaouki Benayoub’s Family

HM King Mohammed VI has sent a message of condolences and compassion to the family members of late Ahmed Chaouki Benayoub, Interministerial Delegate for Human Rights.

In this message, the Sovereign says He learnt with deep sadness and great sorrow of the death of late Ahmed Chaouki Benayoub, may God surround him with His holy mercy.

In this painful circumstance, HM the King expresses to the members of the family of the deceased and through them to all his relatives and to his great national human rights family, His deepest condolences and His best feelings of compassion, remembering with esteem the qualities of the deceased, his benevolence, his expertise and his professional and legal skills which he demonstrated in the various missions he was entrusted with in the field of human rights.

HM the King implores the Almighty to grant patience and comfort to the family of the deceased and to reward him for his commendable services to his country, his firm commitment to justice, equity and equality, as well as his unwavering attachment to the sacred values of the Nation.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse