HM the King Commends Seriousness of Moroccan Youth Who Express Themselves in Areas Requiring Creative Genius

HM King Mohammed VI has commended the seriousness of Moroccan youth who express themselves in areas requiring creative genius and an innovative spirit: two potential assets they possess in various subjects.

"In this regard, I wish to commend, in particular, the manufacturing of the first Moroccan-made, locally produced and financed car, as well as the presentation of the first hydrogen-powered car prototype developed by a young Moroccan," stressed the Sovereign in His Speech delivered, Saturday evening to the Nation, on the occasion of the Throne Day.

HM the King pointed out that these projects attest to Moroccan genius and to the confidence in the energy and capabilities of young Moroccans, thus encouraged to redouble their inventiveness and creativity.

The Sovereign noted that whenever the conditions are right, and each time they commit to seriousness and to the spirit of patriotism, Moroccan youth always manage to dazzle the world with great, unprecedented accomplishments, and the feat of the national football team in the last World Cup is a case in point.

“As acknowledged, both in Morocco and around the world, our sons provided some of the best illustrations of patriotism and unity, as well as family and community cohesion. They made me and the entire Moroccan people proud,” underlined HM the king.

“That same spirit guided my decision to make a joint bid with our friends, Spain and Portugal, to host the 2030 World Cup Finals, which I hope will be an historic event at all levels,” said the Sovereign.

“This is an unprecedented candidacy which brings together two continents - Africa and Europe - as well as two civilizations; a candidacy which unites the two shores of the Mediterranean and reflects the ambitions and aspirations of the peoples of the region for further cooperation, interaction and understanding,” added HM the king.

The Sovereign also noted that the reputation of Moroccans is based, more specifically, on their seriousness and dedication to work.

Today, as the national development trajectory reaches a new stage of maturity, HM the king added, “we need that seriousness to move on to a different level and open up new horizons with respect to the major reforms and large-scale projects Moroccans deserve”.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse