HRH Princess Lalla Meryem Chairs Boards of FAR Social Works and Hassan II Foundation for OSAMAC

Upon her arrival at the General Staff, Her Royal Highness was welcomed by Lieutenant General Belkhir El Farouk, Inspector General of the FAR and Commander of the South Zone, before reviewing a detachment of the FAR Headquarters Battalion.

Her Royal Highness was then greeted by the members of the Boards of the FAR Social Works and the Hassan II Foundation for the OSAMAC, the General Staff of the FAR said in a statement.

The Minister Delegate to the Head of Government, in charge of the National Defense Administration, the Lieutenant General, Inspector General of the FAR and Commander of the South Zone, the Lieutenant General, Commander of the Royal Gendarmerie, the Major Generals, Heads of the 3rd and 5th Offices of the FAR EMG and Inspector of the Royal Air Forces, the Vice Admiral, Inspector of the Royal Navy, the Brigadier Generals, Inspector of the Health Service and Inspector of the Engineers, the Quartermaster General, Joint Director of the Quartermaster's Office and the Major Colonels, Head of the General Directorate of Social Services, Head of the Directorate of the Hassan II Foundation for the OSAMAC, Head of the Directorate of the Mutual Insurance of the FAR and Director General of the Agency of Housing and Military Equipment, took part in these Boards.

At the beginning of this meeting, the Lieutenant General, Delegate President of the Boards of the Social Works of the FAR and of the Hassan II Foundation for the OSAMAC, recalled in his opening remarks the efforts made, under the effective presidency of HRH Princess Lalla Meryem, in order to satisfy the needs of the military and to establish an atmosphere favorable to the development of feelings of solidarity within the military community, said the same source.

Thereafter, the two Councils examined the moral and financial reports as well as the programs of budgetary use for the years 2023-2025, before approving the three-year action plans as well as the projects of the budgets necessary to their execution.

The exceptional resumption of the works of the two Boards at the same time, after a break due to the health situation in the Kingdom, under the effective presidency of HRH Princess Lalla Meryem, illustrates the High Solicitude of which His Majesty the King, may God assist Him, surrounds the members of the FAR and of the Hassan II Foundation for OSAMAC.

The General Directorate of Social Services and the Directorate of the Hassan II Foundation for the OSAMAC are two main bodies of the FAR General Staff in charge of the management of the social aspect of the FAR soldiers and the personnel of the National Defense Administration. Today, the two Directorates provide a basket of social services adapted to a global population estimated at about one million five hundred thousand people, added the statement.

In accordance with the will of His Majesty the King, Supreme Leader and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces and under the effective presidency of HRH Princess Lalla Meryem, the Social Works of the FAR and the Hassan II Foundation for the OSAMAC are working to implement innovative social projects capable of providing the appropriate support to their members through a multidimensional action and quality services.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse