October 18, 2024
HEBRON: The Israeli occupation authorities today notified Palestinian residents of Khillet al-Farra hamlet to the southwest of Yatta, in Hebron, of their intention to demolish a house and a sheep barn, said local sources. Sources told WAFA that Israe...

HEBRON: The Israeli occupation authorities today notified Palestinian residents of Khillet al-Farra hamlet to the southwest of Yatta, in Hebron, of their intention to demolish a house and a sheep barn, said local sources.

Sources told WAFA that Israeli forces broke into the Khillet al-Farra hamlet to the west of Yatta, which is located adjacent to the illegal Israeli colony of Otniel and handed out a notice ordering the demolition of a residential structure belonging to resident Iyad Rashid.

Another resident, who was identified as Bassam al-Nawaja’a, also received a demolition notice against his sheep barn.

Forces also prevented residents from installing new electrical grid extensions and beat up residents, including several shepherds.

Meanwhile, a group of armed Israeli colonists attacked sheep herders in several hamlets in the Masafer Yatta area, physically assaulted them and prevented them from grazing their sheep in pastures there.

The occupation army forces and colonists have escalated their attacks
on Palestinians and their properties in the Masafer Yatta area, particularly at this time of year, in an attempt to prevent farmers there from reaching and working on their lands, thus causing them to miss the growing season as well as to ban their access to pastures which they depend on to graze their livestock in an attempt to minimize costs.

To be noted, pastures in the Masafer Yatta area constitute the only source of income for hundreds of families in those areas.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA