Italian FM Calls Morocco Strategic Partner for Security in Mediterranean Region

Morocco is a strategic partner of Italy for security in the Mediterranean region, with which it is essential to work for the stability and prosperity of the region, said the Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Antonio Tajani, announcing a forthcoming visit to the Kingdom.

"Morocco is an essential country in our southern neighborhood, which can always count on Italy as a friendly country within the European Union," stressed the head of Italian diplomacy in a statement issued after his meeting on Wednesday with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita.

The Italian Deputy Prime Minister stressed his government's "firm commitment" to deepening bilateral relations through the full implementation of the ambitious action plan for the implementation of the multidimensional strategic partnership signed during Bourita's working visit to Italy, which "aims to deepen cooperation between the two countries in the political, economic and energy fields, as well as in the security, cultural, migration and consular fields."

During the visit, the two ministers agreed on "the need for a joint process that can effectively respond to the challenges that affect both countries."

The meeting, "which took place in a particularly positive climate for bilateral relations between the two countries," represents "a new stage in the Italian government's Mediterranean diplomatic strategy and provided an opportunity to explore the main issues of bilateral and regional cooperation," the Italian ministry added.

On the main regional and international issues, the common views between Rome and Rabat were confirmed, in particular with regard to the fight against terrorism, the stability and prosperity of Libya, the Middle East peace process and the stabilization of the Sahel.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates paid a working visit to Italy on Wednesday, July 5, at the invitation of his Italian counterpart. This is Bourita's first visit to Italy after the appointment of Tajani as Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic in October 2022.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse