Lower House Speaker Sends Message of Loyalty, Fidelity to HM the King Following Closure of Second Session of 2022-23 Legislative Year

The Royal Office has received a message of loyalty and fidelity addressed to HM King Mohammed VI by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, on the occasion of the closing of the second session of the 2022-2023 legislative year of the eleventh legislature.

In this message, Talbi Alami expresses, on his own behalf and on behalf of all members of the House of Representatives, his best wishes for the health and well-being of HM the King, wishing Him splendor, glory and tranquility.

The message added: "As we renew our sincere expressions of loyalty and fidelity to Your Majesty, we assure You that we have worked during this session in a spirit of consensus, efficiency and outstanding performance, both in promoting the constitutional functions of the legislative institution and in our active presence in regional and international parliamentary forums and conferences."

"What we have achieved in this session is in line with the wise directives of Your Majesty, especially in terms of the parliament's interaction with the content of Your solemn speech at the opening of this year's October legislative session on the prospects of investment promotion and the adoption of an effective water policy," Talbi Alami stressed, adding that the House also worked to strengthen the foundations of the social state, in line with the Sovereign's insistence on the primordial importance of public health and social protection.

This session was also marked by the annual session of the House for the discussion and evaluation of public policies, through two important topics, he recalled, specifying that the first concerned the evaluation of the National Administrative Reform Plan 2018-2023, while the other concerned the evaluation of water policy, in line with the content of the Royal speech at the opening of the legislative session, especially in the context of climate change and the effects of water stress.

Talbi Alami reiterated the concern of the House of Representatives "to continue to interact with the concerns and dynamics of our society and its urgent needs, always bearing in mind the provisions of the Constitution and the High Royal Directives, especially what is capable of deepening the concept of an open parliament as a choice for the state of institutions." In this context, he reported on a number of initiatives aimed at opening up the institutions to the components of civil society and to all partners concerned by parliamentary action and democratic practices in Morocco.

In the field of parliamentary diplomacy, the Speaker of the House of Representatives stressed that the Parliament, in accordance with the wise directives of HM the King, is committed to taking more initiatives at the bilateral and multilateral levels to consolidate the Kingdom's achievements, promoting its unique model and its successive diplomatic victories in the service of the country's supreme interests, supporting the cause of the Kingdom's territorial integrity and its principled commitment to the various just causes of the Arab and Islamic nation, to the concerns and priorities of the African continent and to all issues of peace, security and stability in the world.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse