Malian FM Hails Morocco as Reliable Partner

Marrakech - Morocco has always been a "reliable partner with whom Mali can consider long-term projects", Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Abdoulaye Diop, said Saturday in Marrakech. Speaking at a joint press conference following the Ministerial Coordination Meeting on HM the King's Initiative to Enhance Atlantic Ocean Access for Sahel Countries, the head of Malian diplomacy deemed this project as 'important' and 'positive', affirming that his country adheres to this initiative for several reasons. 'Mali has continuously been involved in all initiatives aimed at uniting our countries and creating the necessary conditions to promote prosperity for our populations,' he underlined. Mali is a landlocked country, and therefore, "we welcome this initiative which contributes to promoting our potential and responds to the concerns and needs of our country", the Malian minister stressed. Co-development and the promotion of partnerships is of paramount importance to ensure developme nt and prosperity, he said, adding that 'the Eldorado that we are looking for is here, in Africa'. 'If we manage to create prosperous economic conditions, we will have to fight less against the challenges inherent to immigration and terrorism,' Diop pointed out. The Royal initiative is an important vector to provide an economic and even geopolitical response to the concerns inherent to peace and security, he said, underlining the need to respect the sovereignty of countries and the strategic choices of Mali and its partners. Initiated by Morocco's Minister of Foreign Affairs, African cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, this meeting was attended by Niger's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, and Nigeriens Abroad, Bakary Yaou Sangaré, Burkina Faso's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabe abroad, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, and Director General of Africa and African Integration at the Chadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chadians Abroad and International Cooper ation, Abakar Kourma. At the end of this coordination meeting, the Foreign Ministers from Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Chad expressed the adherence of their countries to HM King Mohammed VI's international initiative to enable Atlantic Ocean access for Sahel States, which offers great opportunities for the economic transformation of the region as a whole. Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse