October 17, 2024

After the great success of its continuous news channel “M24” and its radio “RIM”, MAP, which blows its 63rd candle on Friday, has managed to stand out as a pioneering agency in adapting to the evolution of the media world in the era of new technologies and social networks.

In addition to its strong presence on the various social network platforms, the Agency, formerly a single-product agency (news articles), has multiplied its products and supports over the past ten years to invest in all media segments.

In order to offer credible, complete and intelligible information, MAP has opted in recent years for new editorial formats to explain, analyze, comment on and put into perspective facts or current events, while at the same time responding to a new general trend in content creation, which is very popular in the media world today.

Always in tune with new technologies, MAP has also used artificial intelligence to increase its productivity and strengthen its position as the first African news agency.

The use of artificial intelligence allows the automatic generation of formats (text, image and AV archiving, automated text: sports, business, weather and automatic translation).

In addition, and after the great success of the pilot experiments in the economics-finance and sports departments, MAP has embarked during 2022 on an ambitious project to empower all of its editorial services in order to ensure greater efficiency and promote specialization.

In the audiovisual field and in an unprecedented move to diversify its cultural products, in line with its statutes and as part of the diversity and richness of the national heritage, MAP launched in 2022 a range of thematic web radios, which immerse the listener in a particular acoustic universe, and come in addition to MAP’s continuous news web radio, www.rimradio.ma.

For its part, M24, the continuous news channel of MAP, has been enriched, as part of its new programming schedule, by new programs dealing with various topics of cultural, intellectual and social news.

These new TV programs are part of M24’s commitment, since its inception, to develop high-impact programming based on the strengthening of its achievements, with a view to promoting its influence as a media platform that focuses on all societal issues.

The Agency’s position has also been strengthened in recent years in the field of publishing through its various publications, including two daily newspapers in Arabic “Al Yaoum Al Maghribi” and in French “Maroc le Jour”, the monthly intelligent magazine “BAB” in French and Arabic versions, or the quarterly magazine dedicated to the diversity of Maghrebian cultures “Maghreb 1”.

The Agency’s publishing activity also includes the annual publication of MAP Album, and two yearbooks “Nouvelles du Maroc” and “Maroc factuel” in four languages, in addition to other occasional publications.

Photography is another field where MAP has made enormous achievements over the past ten years. Thus, the photographic collection of the Agency is constantly enriched day by day, in addition to the strengthening of MAP Services and MAP Digital offer which are tailored to meet the aspirations of its customers.

MAP, which has about twenty news websites and twelve regional news websites, launched in late 2021 a new specialized news website, “mapdata.ma”, which decodes national and international news from the analysis and processing of statistical data.

MAP has continued during the year 2022 its reform dynamic in order to improve its production and strengthen its position at the continental, regional and international levels.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse