Meeting in Italy Highlights Morocco’s Strategic Involvement in Mediterranean Region’s Dynamics

Rome - The Kingdom's strategic positioning and its involvement in all the dynamics of the Mediterranean region were highlighted in Rome in the presence of eminent economic, political and diplomatic personalities.

"Morocco has never ceased to consolidate its anchorage in the Mediterranean, positioning itself as a bridge between Europe and Africa and between East and West," declared Ambassador to Italy Youssef Balla during a recent meeting.

The Kingdom's geostrategic potential, as well as the reforms undertaken and the quality of its infrastructures, place it at a high level in global value chains, the Ambassador stressed, adding that "Morocco has always been committed to the emergence of a stable and prosperous Mediterranean area for the benefit of all."

Euro-Mediterranean cooperation contributes not only to socio-economic development, but also to the promotion of shared values and the establishment of conditions of stability for the entire Mediterranean region, the diplomat stressed.

He further noted that a strong regional partnership can be an important lever for the development of Euro-Arab and Euro-African relations.

In terms of security cooperation, Morocco, an exporter of expertise in the fight against terrorism, has always been a reliable interlocutor, an active player and a credible partner in eliminating threats in its immediate environment, especially in the Mediterranean, he said.

The Moroccan diplomat also highlighted Morocco's holistic approach to counter-terrorism, which combines surveillance measures, regional and international cooperation and counter-radicalization policies.

Morocco also "continues to make a substantial contribution to the regional management of the migration issue" and plays a leading role in several Mediterranean dialogues aimed at further strengthening existing partnership frameworks, such as the UfM, the 5+5 and the Two Shores Summit, he added.

Under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Kingdom has also endowed itself with modern and democratic institutions, as enshrined in the 2011 Constitution, making it "a model of institutional and political stability, internationally recognized by all its political and economic partners," Balla stressed.

Source: Agence Morocaine de presse