Meeting of Libyan 6+6 Joint Commission in Bouznika: Djibouti Hails Morocco’s Role

The Republic of Djibouti has hailed the role of the Kingdom of Morocco in reaching the compromise announced by the Libyan 6+6 joint commission tasked by the Libyan House of Representatives and High Council of State with drafting electoral laws for the legislative and presidential elections.

In a statement, Djibouti's Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the announcement by the Libyan "6+6" joint commission of a compromise on drafting electoral laws for the legislative and presidential elections in Libya, following its meetings in the Moroccan town of Bouznika.

"Djibouti welcomes the role played by the brotherly Kingdom of Morocco in reaching this important compromise," the statement added.

The same source indicated that Djibouti expresses its hope that this approach will support the political process in Libya, by meeting the aspirations of the brotherly Libyan people for security, stability, development and prosperity, and preserving Libya's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, while preventing interference in its internal affairs.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse