Moroccan Minister Calls for Investing in Youth

“Young people who are more productive and full of ambition and energy can achieve performance in the service of themselves and that of their country,” said the minister at the opening of the constituent session of the Forum of the Chamber of Advisors of Moroccan youth.

“If the youth is marginalized, the consequences of this neglect will be serious and dangerous on the socio-economic level,” he noted, stressing the need to adopt a new vision on the capacity of youth to innovate to face modern challenges.

The Minister highlighted the special attention given by HM the King to youth and the speeches of the Sovereign which constitute a roadmap for government action without forgetting the conclusions on the new development model.

The government program, in its social component, has begun to bear fruit by the launch of several economic projects for youth such as Awrach and Forsa, he said, highlighting many projects aimed at promoting youth through the development of youth centers, in terms of infrastructure and management methods.

The Minister also mentioned the great importance given by his department to the fields of Gaming and Coding, in view of the enormous employment opportunities they offer to this social category.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse