Moroccan Sahara: Yanja Calls Israeli Recognition ‘Important Diplomatic Victory’ with Great Political Significance

The State of Israel's decision to recognize Morocco's sovereignty over its Sahara is an "important diplomatic victory" with great political significance and economic repercussions for all of the Kingdom's southern provinces, said El Khattat Yanja, president of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab Regional Council. In a statement to MAP, Yanja described the recognition as "an extremely important event with great political significance and economic repercussions," noting that it is part of the momentum of support by countries around the world for Morocco's efforts to find a definitive solution to the Sahara issue.

This decision "greatly strengthens Morocco's position internationally, given the State of Israel's strong relations with a number of countries and world powers, such as the United States, Germany and Spain," Yanja added, stressing that Tel Aviv will use its good relations with many countries around the world to further strengthen Morocco's territorial integrity.

The President of the Regional Council also affirmed that this Israeli position is "another blatant setback" and a "crushing blow to separatist theses," noting that it cannot be dissociated from the series of recognitions by several countries around the world of the relevance of the Moroccan autonomy plan as the only basis for resolving the artificial dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

The imminent opening of an Israeli consulate in Dakhla is also a "decisive turning point in the recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over its southern provinces" and is also an important decision that is likely to strengthen the role of the Dakhla region as an economic gateway to sub-Saharan Africa, he maintained.

"As elected officials and representatives of the residents of the city of Dakhla, we warmly welcome this important decision by the State of Israel and consider it highly commendable," as it supports Morocco in its legitimate rights over its Sahara and opens up new investment and development prospects for all of Morocco's southern provinces, he concluded.

A statement released by the Royal Office announced earlier in the day that His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, had received a letter from the Prime Minister of the State of Israel, His Excellency Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, in which the Head of the Israeli Government brought to the Very High attention of His Majesty the King the decision of the State of Israel "to recognize Morocco's sovereignty over the territory of Western Sahara."

In this regard, the Israeli Prime Minister stated that his country's position "will be reflected in all relevant acts and documents of the Israeli Government."

He also emphasized that the decision "will be communicated to the United Nations, to regional and international organizations of which Israel is a member, and to all countries with which Israel maintains diplomatic relations."

In his letter to the Sovereign, the Israeli Prime Minister said that Israel is positively examining "the opening of a consulate in the city of Dakhla" as part of the implementation of this State decision.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse