Morocco-Angola Joint Commission: Cooperation Agreements Signed in Various Fields

Cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding covering diplomacy, higher education, scientific research, innovation, tourism, justice, mining and hydrocarbons were signed on Tuesday in Rabat, on the occasion of the 3rd Morocco-Angola Joint Cooperation Commission.

At the 3rd session, co-chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, and Angola's Minister of External Relations, Téte Antonio, a cooperation agreement was signed in the fields of higher education, scientific research and innovation, scientific research and innovation, with the aim of strengthening and extending the scope of cooperation in these fields, notably through the sharing of experience and expertise in the integration of digital technology into university teaching, the mutual use of scientific and technical research platforms, and access to bibliographic databases.

In detail, the two parties will develop their cooperation by strengthening the exchange of information and expertise between the relevant institutions in the fields of tourism and hotel management training, the promotion of tourism sustainability and competitiveness, and the creation of Small and Medium Enterprises in the tourism sector.

A cooperation protocol was also signed between the Moroccan Ministry of Justice and the Angolan Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, with the aim of promoting the exchange of judicial personnel and experience in legal matters, legislation and information and communication technologies in the judicial sector, as well as the organization of seminars, conferences, workshops and other activities on a reciprocal basis.

Similarly, a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the fields of mining and hydrocarbons was signed, with the aim of creating a framework for cooperation actions leading to the realization of projects of common interest in the fields of mining and hydrocarbons.

In the diplomatic sphere, the Moroccan Academy of Diplomatic Studies (AMED) and the Angolan Institute of International Relations signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at strengthening the partnership between the two parties and establishing a framework for lasting and dynamic cooperation in the training of young diplomats and the exchange of experience and information in the field of diplomacy and international relations. This will be achieved by organizing training courses for diplomats, exchanging publications and experts and researchers in the field of diplomacy, and sharing know-how.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse