Morocco, Germany Applaud Excellent Bilateral Relations, Positive Partnership Dynamics

Morocco and Germany welcomed, on Thursday, the close and friendly relations between the two countries, as well as the positive dynamic that has characterized the bilateral relationship since the adoption of the joint declaration in August 2022, which constitutes a roadmap for strengthening these ties in all areas.

At a press conference after a meeting in Berlin between Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, who is on a working visit to Germany, the two government officials reaffirmed their shared desire to further deepen long-standing bilateral relations, with a view to establishing a stronger, forward-looking partnership.

Bourita pointed out that the historic relationship between Morocco and Germany has been undergoing a very positive dynamic since the letter addressed to His Majesty King Mohammed VI by German President Steinmeier, and the visit to Morocco by Annalena Baerbock last August.

The Minister pointed out that His Majesty the King had given His High Instructions to make Germany one of the Kingdom's priority strategic partners, on the basis of mutual trust and respect, and the defense of the mutual interests of both countries.

The two Ministers hailed the launch next year of the Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue, as set out in the joint declaration adopted on the occasion of Baerbock's visit to Morocco on August 25, 2022.

In this regard, Bourita pointed out that the establishment of this strategic dialogue bears witness to the shared determination of the two countries to further deepen this partnership.

The two Ministers also hailed the excellent level of bilateral economic and trade relations, and reaffirmed their desire to strengthen them and open them up to new sectors, notably renewable energies, infrastructure and digitalization. To this end, they underlined their shared interest in intensifying and pursuing this cooperation, in order to broaden its scope and consolidate its achievements.

Bourita and Baerbock also underlined the relevance of the long-standing bilateral security partnership, and welcomed the strengthening of this partnership to continue to tackle common challenges together, notably through high-level exchanges.

The two Ministers highlighted the close collaboration between the two countries in the field of migration, and underlined the rational approach followed in managing this issue.

In the same vein, the two government officials stressed the importance of bilateral cultural and academic cooperation in promoting human and economic development.

In the field of climate change, the two Ministers reaffirmed their shared desire to advocate an ambitious international commitment to combat the effects of climate change and encourage action to mitigate this effect. Baerbock underlined the leading role played by Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, particularly in the fight against climate change.

The two Ministers underlined the convergence of their views on a range of regional and international issues, and pledged to pursue consultation and coordination, notably on the situation in Libya, the Sahel and the Middle East.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse