Morocco-Italy Strategic Partnership: Italy Praises Far-Reaching Reforms Undertaken by Morocco under Leadership of HM King Mohammed VI

Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, and vice-president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Italian Republic, Antonio Tajani, signed, on Wednesday in Rome, the Action Plan for the implementation of the multidimensional strategic partnership between Morocco and Italy.

The signing of this action Plan marks the concrete implementation of the structuring bilateral instrument that is the Joint Declaration on the multidimensional strategic partnership between the two countries, signed on November 1, 2019 in Rabat.

In this Joint Declaration, which lays the foundations for a renewed and ambitious bilateral partnership, Italy had welcomed "the far-reaching reforms undertaken by Morocco over the last two decades under the impetus of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and the efforts made towards political, economic and social development". Rome had also praised the Sovereign's efforts to promote development, stability and growth in the African continent.

On this occasion, the two countries had expressed their determination to act jointly to preserve and consolidate the level of relations achieved, and to commit to giving fresh impetus to political dialogue in all its dimensions, with a view to meeting the needs of regional and international stability and peace.

In the field of security, Morocco and Italy had also praised the recognized professionalism of the two countries' services, and appreciated their efforts to contribute to international security. In this respect, they had welcomed the role played by Rome and Rabat in the fight against terrorism, irregular migration and transnational crime.

On the issue of migration, the two sides had encouraged "legal migration that brings added value to both countries".

According to the same document, the two countries, convinced that a peaceful settlement of disputes and conflicts affecting the region would play a decisive role in its stability and development, "are key partners for each other in managing regional and international challenges".

The two parties also took the opportunity to reaffirm their shared commitment to strengthening political dialogue and the integration process with the European Union, with a view to a renewed partnership with the Kingdom of Morocco, taking into account all the dimensions of relations with this regional grouping.

As part of their multi-dimensional strategic partnership, Morocco and Italy are also committed to consulting each other on issues relating to Africa, and to promoting mutually beneficial tripartite cooperation with African partners.

The joint declaration also touched on the question of peace in the Middle East, pointing out that both parties called for the establishment of a just and comprehensive peace in the region, and considered, with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, that the two-state solution, with Jerusalem as the capital for both, would undoubtedly contribute to this goal and enable the peoples of the region to live in peace and security in accordance with their legitimate aspirations.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse