Morocco Occupies Prominent Place in Choice of Partnerships (General Administrator of Wallonia-Brussels International)

Morocco "occupies a prominent place among the priority countries of Wallonia-Brussels", whose importance is confirmed by the diversity of areas of cooperation between the two parties, said Monday in Rabat, the general administrator of Wallonia-Brussels International, Pascale Delcomminette.

In a speech at the opening of the 8th session of the permanent joint commission between the Government of the Kingdom and that of the Walloon region and the French Community Wallonia-Brussels, Delcomminette said that "Morocco is among the priority countries for which the financial resources mobilized are among the most important".

This 8th session will continue to strengthen bilateral relations and will see the establishment of a strong strategic partnership between the two parties that will enable them to achieve their respective ambitions around common values, she said.

"Despite the economic and health crises, Wallonia, the WB Federation and the French-speaking Brussels government have not hesitated to strengthen the means to carry out our partnership," she said.

She noted that the bilateral partnership program "will guide bilateral relations for the next five years," focusing on supporting and accompanying the strategic reforms of Morocco's new development model.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse