October 19, 2024
"Carried by the committed and proactive leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Morocco has chosen, in the land of Islam, to make the legitimacy and richness of all its diversity the central engine of the uniqueness of its society and its identity,...

“Carried by the committed and proactive leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Morocco has chosen, in the land of Islam, to make the legitimacy and richness of all its diversity the central engine of the uniqueness of its society and its identity,” said Azoulay, who was speaking at the plenary session of the 11th edition of “The Atlantic Dialogues”, which was held to discuss the theme of “North-South perspectives in a fragmenting world”.

Criticizing a loss of reference points on the essentials: living together, respect for diversity and the universality of values of solidarity in a polarized world, Mr. Azoulay highlighted “the continuity, consistency and resilience of reforms implemented by Morocco.

Reforms, he added, which “have enabled our country to face, with clarity and determination, the financial, health and international crises that have weakened and sometimes destabilized the International Order.

Turning its back on regressions, archaisms and identity-based closures that are flourishing elsewhere, “Morocco has been able to put its stamp on the consolidation of a society in motion, in consensus and stability, to provide a structural and sustainable response to the major challenges of our time,” said Azoulay.

It is in this perspective that the Advisor to His Majesty the King then reviewed the projects that Morocco has been able to anticipate, whether it is the unprecedented dynamics of the medium and long-term development plan that OCP is preparing to implement or the visionary strategy that Morocco has initiated to promote and develop its renewable energy deposits while taking date and mobilizing to develop tomorrow its exceptional potential in green hydrogen.

Speaking in a panel against Mr. Hubert Védrine, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Advisor to His Majesty the King highlighted “the global and inclusive nature of the social project that Morocco has chosen to build without ever turning its back on the fundamentals of its history, its traditions and pluralism that has nourished and forged our civilization over the centuries to embody today, in our Region, the most complete reference of a Nation at peace with itself and which knew, without coldness or mood, to consolidate its leadership with realism and lucidity to face the complexity of the challenges it will face tomorrow.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse