Muay Thai World Championship (Thailand-2023): Morocco Wins 10 Medals, Including 4 Gold

Morocco won 10 medals (4 gold, 1 silver and 5 bronze), during the World Muay-Thai Championship, held on May 3-12 in Bangkok.

With these results, Morocco ranked 2nd in the world in the category of under 23 years and 5th overall.

The four gold medals were won by Khaoula Al Daghqali (75 kg) after her victory in the final against the Iranian Arezoo Doustiankalatehno, Saida Lahamidi (67 kg) who dominated the Australian Nicole Lowe-Tarbert, Keltoum Akhlouf (48 kg) after beating the Vietnamese Luong Nguyen Thi Hien, and Ibrahim Boudik (91kg), who managed to win the precious metal after winning by KO in the final against the Egyptian Ahmed Nassif.

The silver medal went to Soumia Toulaoui (71 kg) who was beaten in the final by the Russian Luliia Shokhina.

In addition, the five bronze medals were won by Oumaima Belouarrat (48 kg), Oumaima Bel Harcha (57 kg), Yahya Sabhi (54 kg), Abdelali Zahidi (71 kg) and Ali El Ayoubi (86 kg).

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse