Nairobi: 6th UN Environment Assembly Kicks off under Moroccan PresidencyIsraeli occupation court issues a decision to release an injured Palestinian detainee

The 6th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) kicked off on Monday in Nairobi, under the presidency of the Kingdom of Morocco. Chaired by Minister for Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leila Benali, this session, which runs until March 1 at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), will examine and adopt several resolutions and decisions on the role of multilateralism and the importance of sustainable, inclusive and effective action. Held under the theme "Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral action to address climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution", this 6th assembly will also be an opportunity to examine and adopt several resolutions on the themes of biodiversity protection, the fight against climate change, the circular economy and pollution control. Speaking on this occasion, Benali stressed the need to push forward the global environmental agenda and capitalize on the commitments made to this end, calling for the acceleration of multi lateral action to strengthen the environmental foundation of sustainable development. "As we gather here in 2024, we must be self-critical and work towards an inclusive, networked and effective multilateralism, capable of making a tangible difference to people's lives," she stressed. Time is running out to tackle not only the three global environmental crises of climate change, loss of nature and biodiversity, and pollution and waste, but also the full range of global environmental challenges, including desertification and drought, she added. "During this Assembly, we will strive for united, inclusive and multilateral action that addresses each element of the three global environmental crises as a single indivisible challenge," said the UNEA-6 chair, stressing the importance of engaging civil society, the private sector, youth and other key stakeholders, to ensure a comprehensive and participatory approach, involving all actors. The 6th UN Environment Assembly will be marked in particular by the holding o f a High-Level Segment, which will be endorsed by the adoption of a Ministerial Declaration reaffirming the shared global commitment to building a resilient and inclusive world, and to strengthening multilateralism in favor of environmental protection and sustainable development. Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse RAMALLAH: The Israeli military court in Ofer Prison today evening issued a decision to release the injured detainee Muhammad Rabie following several appeals submitted by the legal teams from detainees and ex-detainees affairs commission. The Commission said in in a statement that after the legal efforts of its lawyers, the occupation court finally issued a decision to limit the days of Rabi's detention and release him immediately The detainee Muhammad Rabie, 18, who comes Al-Amari refugee camp in Ramallah city, has been detained for five months in occupation jails. It indicated that the detainee Rabie was facing a very difficult health condition, as he was in the intensive care unit for a long time under anesthesia and artificial respiration machines, after he was hit by several bullets during his arrest. The authority indicated that Rabei was transferred to Ramallah Hospital, after he was released at the Beit Sira checkpoint. Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA