Newspapers Review The Israeli army assault on Jenin refugee camp and arrest of three highlight of dailies

The Israeli army raid on Jenin refugee camp and the arrest of three people were highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies published today. Al-Ayyam daily said in its main front-page story headline 'Seven wounded, three detained in an assault by the occupation army on the outskirts of Jenin camp.' Al-Quds daily said 'Confrontations and downing of a drone during a raid of Jenin,' and added about the demolition of a house and notices targeting agricultural facilities in other areas in the occupied West Bank. The third daily, al-Hayat al-Jadida, said 'Six wounded, three detained in an occupation aggression on Jenin and its refugee camp.' It also talked in the same story about the demolition of a house and arrest of 12 people in the West Bank, including a woman, as well as the Israeli police seizing Palestinian textbooks in occupied East Jerusalem. Al-Quds said the police seized these textbooks from the school bags of students going to their schools in Jerusalem's Old City. While in Jerusalem, al-Quds also said the Israeli State Attorney will not appeal the Jerusalem District Court's ruling that acquitted the Border Police officer who killed 32-year-old autistic Eyad Hallaq in Jerusalem's Old City on 30 May 2020. Al-Quds also said that a Palestinian delegation is going to visit Saudi Arabia to discuss the Palestinian demands if there is going to be a Saudi-Israeli normalization of relations. Al-Ayyam said the Palestinian delegation will also meet tomorrow with a US delegation visiting Saudi Arabia. Al-Hayat al-Jadida highlighted the telephone call President Mahmoud Abbas received from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during which he told Blinken that the Israeli government and settlers' actions undermine the two-state solution. The daily highlighted the report from the Israeli daily, Haaretz, which said Israeli soldiers forced five Palestinian women in Hebron to strip in front of their children. It said Israel has stopped export of goods from Gaza to the West Bank. It also highlighted the death of two workers in Nablus following a collapse of earth while working on a sewage project.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency