Newspapers Review: The ongoing Israeli war on Gaza and the large number of people killed focus of dailies

RAMALLAH: The three Palestinian Arabic newspapers published today, al-Hayat al-Jadida, al-Ayyam, and al-Quds, focused in their headlines on the news of the death of 300 people and the injury of 800 others during the ongoing Israeli occupation aggression against the Gaza Strip on its 80th consecutive day. The following are the most prominent headlines of these newspapers: Al-Hayat al-Jadida: The President: Our national priority today is a comprehensive and permanent cessation of aggression The Executive Committee rejects any talk or initiative about managing the West Bank and Gaza outside the PLO's responsibility Foreign Ministry: Netanyahu's confessions regarding the displacement of our people are a new blow to the countries that support him World Health Organization: Despair is increasing in Gaza's hospitals in light of severe famine Abu Rudeineh meets with the prime minister of the Libyan National Unity Government Injuries, arrests, demolitions, notifications in the West Bank, and a massive incursio n into the town of Burqa Al-Ayyam: The occupation army focuses its aggression on the camps in the central Gaza Strip 300 martyrs and 800 injured in violent raids, 25 massacres of entire families within one day Tulkarm: The occupation storms Nur Shams camp amid violent clashes The PLO's Executive Committee reaffirms its rejection of attempts to forcibly displace the Palestinian people Hebrew newspaper: Netanyahu is working to achieve voluntary immigration for the residents of the Gaza Strip Confrontations during wide-scale raids and arrests in several governorates UN rapporteur: The genocide in Gaza is occurring with the permission of the world A load of 230 aircraft and 20 ships of American equipment and ammunition for Israel The Israeli army and Hezbollah exchange shelling and shooting across the border The Pope denounces the 'appalling harvest of innocent civilian victims' in the Gaza Strip Al-Quds: Israel continues its destructive war, leaving hundreds of martyrs The assassination of an Irani an advisor in Syria, and Tehran accuses Israel A German minister defends linking citizenship to recognition of 'Israel's right to exist.' UN official: Genocide occurs with the approval of the world Casualties, storming of Tulkarm and Burqa, and a Jerusalemite forced to demolish his house Serious reports from northern Gaza about mass arrests and disappearances Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA