Organic Law Dedicated to Social Welfare Institutions for Elderly is Being Prepared (Minister)

These institutions have received this year an additional support of 7 million dirhams, said Hayar in response to an oral question from the constitutional, democratic and social group in the House of Representatives, adding that the ministry has also undertaken an assessment of the expertise available to the elderly to take advantage and strengthen the intergenerational link.

The “economy of protection” is a new approach adopted in Morocco to allow the care of the elderly by social workers, explained the minister, noting that like all citizens, this category will benefit from medical coverage as part of the royal large-scale project of generalization of social protection.

Responding to another question from the group of the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM) on “the situation of employees of the National Mutual Aid”, the government official said that the ministry has adopted a new strategy to reposition this institution as “essential actor at the territorial level as well as in the areas of solidarity and social integration”.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse