‘Otr Elkalam’ Prize: Morocco Wins Third and Fourth Positions

The jury of the “Otr Elkalam” contest in the category of the Holy Quran announced, on Friday, the winners of the competition and their ranking.

Moroccan Zakaria Al-Zirik won the third place with a prize of one million riyals, while his compatriot Abdellah Doghri ranked fourth with a prize of 700,000 riyals.

Four reciters competed for the first place in this edition, in which the Moroccan reciters Zakaria Al-Zirik and Abdellah Doghri participated, and the Saudi Abdelaziz Al Faqih who took the second place, while the Iranian reciter Younes Shahmradi won the top prize of this competition.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse