Palestinian female detainee recounts inhuman conditions in Israeli prison

RAMALLAH: Palestinian female detainees in Damon prison have been subjected to unprecedented retaliatory and punitive measures, sources confirmed.

Around 60 female detainees in Damon prison are now completely isolated from each other and stripped of basic tools and means of communication with the outside world.

Israeli prison authorities also obstructed the lawyers’ visits by imposing strict conditions on them.

These unbearable conditions that the male and female detainees held in occupation jails are subjected to has intensified after the beginning of the Israeli aggression on October 7, amid the absence of the role of the Red Cross and all humanitarian and human rights institutions.

24-year-old Dina Khoury, a resident of the city of Haifa in the 1948 territories, has been in prison since October 11. She has been subjected to death and rape threats, insults, beatings, isolation, and deprivation of the lowest necessities of basic human life, under the pretext of incitement via social media. .

Khoury added
that ‘a force of occupation soldiers raided my house and arrested me, and I remained handcuffed.” She added “then an investigator came and said to an Israeli soldier ‘open the closet and put her head in it, so our youths (the soldiers) will come and rape her.'”

The occupation soldiers also threatened to kill her and shoot a bullet to her head, Khoury added.

Khoury remained in this condition for about seven days, then she was later transferred to Damoun prison, where she suffered a seizure and lost consciousness.

Later, Khoury was rushed to a clinic, where her results showed that she is suffering from low blood pressure, low blood sugar and a fast heartbeat. She added that the prison doctor only advised her to drink water, neglecting her real situation.

She was then placed in isolation for two days after rejecting the unfair order.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA