Palestinian official conveys message from President Abbas to South African counterpart

CAPE TOWN: The Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee, Lieutenant General Jibril Rajoub, conveyed a written message from the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, to his South African counterpart, Cyril Ramaphosa.

The message included the President and the Palestinian leadership’s appreciation for South Africa’s position and its efforts to prosecute Israel in the International Court of Justice and all other international institutions, and reviewed the escalation in the pace of the genocidal war being carried out by the Israeli forces against Palestinian people in the Palestinian territories.

Rajoub met with South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor, and reviewed with her the most prominent developments taking place in the Palestinian territories at the political level, in light of the war waged by the Israeli occupation against everything Palestinian, which aims to eliminate the Palestinian presence and destroy the project of a Palestinian state.

He reiterated the appreciation of the Pal
estinian leadership, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, for South Africa’s efforts and its leadership of the legal efforts before the International Court of Justice, with the aim of prosecuting Israel for its crimes against the Palestinian people, appreciating the great role and effort made by the South African team at the International Court of Justice.

For his part, President Ramaphosa stressed the continuation of work and coordination with Palestine to achieve the establishment of an independent Palestinian state in accordance with what was stipulated in international resolutions, stressing that the bilateral relations between the two countries are extended and historically established since the era of Presidents Yasser Arafat and Nelson Mandela.

In turn, Minister Pandor affirmed South Africa’s firm and supportive position for Palestinian rights to freedom and independence.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA