Parliamentary Conference on Interfaith Dialogue Highlights Morocco’s Pioneering Experience in Religious Coexistence – Upper House Speaker

Speaker of the House of Councillors Enaam Mayara said on Tuesday that the Parliamentary Conference on Interfaith Dialogue, hosted by Marrakech until June 15, is an opportunity to highlight Morocco's pioneering experience in the field of religious coexistence and tolerance under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful.

In a statement to MAP on the sidelines of the conference organized, under the High Patronage of HM the King, by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Moroccan Parliament, Mayara said that this international meeting was also an opportunity to highlight many innovative international experiences in the field of combating extremism in all its forms, consolidating dialogue and promoting the common denominators of humanity.

"We urgently need such conferences to support global peace and security, as well as a culture of tolerance and serene dialogue between peoples", he added.

The Upper House Speaker emphasized that by organizing this conference, "we are marking a new stage in the IPU's work, particularly in the area of adapting national legislation relating to freedom of worship and religion, so as to preserve human dignity and rights."

Organized by the IPU with the Parliament of Morocco, in partnership with "Religions for Peace" and with the support of the UN Alliance of Civilizations and the Rabita Mohammadia des Ouléma, this conclave will see the participation of parliamentarians, religious leaders and representatives of civil society, who will engage in constructive dialogue and exchange on best practices for resolving the main problems hampering sustainable coexistence.

Organized in partnership with "Religions for Peace" and with the support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the Mohammedia Rabita of the Ulema, this conference will bring together MPs, religious leaders and representatives of civil society, who will engage in constructive dialogue and exchange best practices for resolving the main problems hampering sustainable coexistence.

This international conference, initiated under the theme "Interfaith dialogue: working together for our common future", reflects the important and multiple roles played by the national legislative institution, which draws its inspiration from the Kingdom's thousand-year-old history, rich in landmark episodes and strong examples of religious tolerance and coexistence.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse