October 16, 2024
RAMALLAH: The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) issues on Monday a press release on the occasion of the World Habitat Day and Arab Housing Day Titled: "Enhancing Participation and Transparency in Urban Planning" The first Monday of Octo...

RAMALLAH: The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) issues on Monday a press release on the occasion of the World Habitat Day and Arab Housing Day Titled: “Enhancing Participation and Transparency in Urban Planning”

The first Monday of October of each year coincides with the World Habitat Day, decided by the United Nations / UN-HABITAT, and the Arab Housing Day, based on the decision of the Council of Arab Ministers of Housing and Reconstruction. The Council decided the theme of the Arab Housing Day for 2024 to be “Enhancing Participation and Transparency in Urban Planning”.

On this occasion, PCBS presented the main indicators for housing and housing conditions in Palestine that are related to the Sustainable Development Indicators.

384,000 Housing Units were Damaged as a result of the Israeli Occupation Aggression against Gaza Strip

The number of housing units partially damaged as a result of the Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip since 07/10/2023 amounted to about 297,000 housing units, whi
le the completely demolished housing units amounted to 87,000 housing units, according to data published on PCBS website about the Israeli occupation aggression against Palestine since October 7th, 2023.

Data from the United Nations Satellite Center (UNOSAT) indicated that the number of buildings damaged as a result of the Israeli occupation aggression against Gaza Strip since 07/10/2023 amounted to about 156,423 buildings.

Number of Buildings Damaged as a Result of the Israeli Occupation Aggression against Gaza Strip since 07/10/2023, by Type of Building and Level of Damage

Level of Damage

Type of Building























Schools/ Universities






Rest of Buildings



81% of Households in the West Bank Live in Owned Housing Units

81% of the households in the West Bank live in owned housing units in 2023.

In addition, 8% of households i
n the West Bank live in rented housing units. Results also showed that 11% of households in the West Bank live in housing units without payment or as in exchange of labour in 2023.

More than Half of the West Bank Households Live in a House Type of Housing Units

54% of the West Bank households live in a house type of housing units, 45% of the households live in apartments, and less than 1% of the households live in villas, whereas less than 1% of the households live in other types of housing units as an independent room, tent, marginal…etc, in 2023.

In Average, 1.4 Persons per Room in the Housing Unit in the West Bank

Results showed that the average housing density (number of persons per room) in the West Bank in 2023 was 1.4 persons per room: 1.4 persons per room in urban, 1.5 persons per room in rural areas, and 1.6 persons per room in refugee camps.

5% of Households in the West Bank Live in Overcrowded Housing Units

Data indicated that 5% of households in the West Bank live in housing units with thr
ee persons or more per room, and by type of locality: 4% of households in urban, 7% in rural areas, and 9% in refugee camps in 2023.

Data indicated that the average number of rooms in a housing unit in the West Bank was 3.5 rooms in 2023, where 3.5 rooms in urban and 3.6 rooms in rural areas, compared to 3.2 rooms in refugee camps.

42% of the Households in the West Bank Live in Housing Units Connected to Wastewater Networks

Data indicated that 42% of the households in the West Bank in 2023 used wastewater networks to dispose their wastewater. Also, 42% of households used septic tank, 15% of households used pit latrine and less than 1% of households used other methods to dispose their wastewater.

Most Housing Units in the West Bank has Improved Sanitation

Data indicated that 99% of the households in the West Bank in 2023 used improved sanitation, which includes piped sewer system, septic tank and pit latrine.

135 m2 is the Average Housing Unit Area in the West Bank

13% of the households in the West Bank
in 2023 live in housing units with an area of ??80 m2 or less, while the percentage of households living in housing units with an area of ??200 m2 or more reached 10%, and the largest percentage of households, 41%, were concentrated in housing units with an area of ??(120-159) m2. At the level of the type of locality, the average housing unit area in urban areas reached 137 m2, in rural areas reached 136 m2, and in camps, it reached 110 m2.

59% of the Housing Units in the West Bank are 20 years old or more

59% of the households in the West Bank in 2023 live in housing units that are 20 years old or more. At the level of locality type, this percentage reached 57% in urban areas, 62% in rural areas, and 72% in refugee camps.

Decrease in the Number of Licensed Housing Units for 2023 Compared to Previous Years

The number of new and existing licensed housing units for 2023 reached 18,997 licensed housing units in Palestine, with an average area of 166.4 m2, of which 14,866 are new housing units with an average
area of ??167.3 m2, and 4,131 are existing housing units with an average area of ??163.1 m2, according to the administrative records of building licenses in 2023.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA