Presidency condemns Israeli killings in West Bank, Gaza Strip

The Palestinian presidency tonight condemned the Israeli army killing of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the official spokesman for the Palestinian Presidency, said, "The ongoing Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza, Jenin and other Palestinian cities will bring violence and escalation to the entire region.'

He said in a statement reacting to the Israeli army killing of one Palestinian in Gaza and two others in Jenin in the West Bank during an army assault on Jenin refugee camp, that 'the continuation of daily killings against our people, the most recent of which was in Jenin and the Gaza Strip and led to the death of three people and the injury of dozens, is the responsibility of the occupation authorities, which are pushing matters towards an all-out confrontation, the consequences of which no one will be able to bear.'

He said, 'The US administration must be well aware that the region is on the verge of an explosion as a result of the Israeli persistence in killing, destruction, and theft of land, and the American administration must intervene immediately to stop this Israeli madness before the explosion happens, for which everyone will pay the price.'

The official presidential spokesman stressed that 'this policy followed by the far-right government in Israel will not bring security and stability to anyone, and those who believe that they can impose their dictates and policies on the right and just Palestinian people, who will not allow their sanctities and constants to be harmed at any cost, are delusional.'

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency