Presidency: Israeli aggression will not bring security or stability to anyone

RAMALLAH: Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for President Mahmoud Abbas, declared today that the continuous Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem will not bring security or stability to anyone in the region or the world. In a press statement, Abu Rudeineh stated that the genocidal war waged by Israeli occupation authorities on Gaza has resulted in the killing and injury of over one hundred thousand Palestinians. He described the daily Israeli incursions into cities, villages, and refugee camps in the West Bank, coupled with the policies of killing, arrests, and settler terrorism, and the Israeli attempts to undermine the UNRWA and to impose restrictions on worshippers during the upcoming month of Ramadan, as futile attempts that will only bring about destruction, violence, and instability. He continued, "Everyone should know that Jerusalem and Palestine constitute the key to the solution and the future and stability of the region. Without the Sta te of Palestine obtaining its full membership in the United Nations, realizing its independence on Palestinian land with East Jerusalem as its capital…, the region will remain in constant turmoil, enduring endless wars." Abu Rudeineh emphasized that "the forthcoming challenges are diverse and dangerous. However, the clear and steadfast Palestinian position, in the face of Israeli extremism and the contradictory American stance, calls for increased Arab action amid this regional and international turmoil." "There must be a stronger international stance to halt [the Israeli] aggression and war because the continuation of this war will affect national, Arab, regional, and international security," he affirmed. Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA