President Abbas discusses situation in Palestine with Brazil’s Lula da Silva

President Mahmoud Abbas discussed this evening the latest challenging developments in Palestine over the telephone with his Brazilian counterpart, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

During the call, President Abbas emphasized the urgent need to halt the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and ensure their protection.

He also called for the immediate opening of humanitarian corridors to Gaza, the provision of medical supplies, and the delivery of essential supplies, including water, electricity, and fuel to the civilian population of Gaza.

The President reiterated his rejection of our displacement of the people of Gaza, emphasizing that such an act would be another catastrophe for our people in Gaza.

He underlined his commitment to protecting civilians on both sides and called for the release of civilian prisoners and detainees, emphasizing his rejection of violence and commitment to international legitimacy and signed agreements.

President Abbas also stressed his commitment to peaceful popular resistance and political action as the means to achieve national objectives and end the Israeli occupation.

The President expressed his gratitude to President Lula da Silva for his supportive stance and commitment to the Palestinian cause, particularly the realization of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. He also commended Brazil for its responsible and law-abiding role in international forums.

On the Brazilian side, President Lula da Silva reaffirmed his solidarity and that of the Brazilian people with the Palestinian people in their pursuit of their legitimate rights to freedom and independence.

He underscored the need to provide medical and humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and called for peace and security in the region.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency - WAFA