President Abbas, Egypt’s Sisi hold talks in Egyptian city of New El-Alamein

President Mahmoud Abbas and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel-Fattah El-Sis held discussions today in Egypt's coastal resort city of New El-Alamein. During the meeting, President Abbas thanked President Sisi for hosting the meeting of the general secretaries of the Palestinian factions to achieve national unity, which was held yesterday in New El-Alamein. He highly appreciated Egypt's continuous sponsorship of reconciliation efforts, and its important role in achieving Palestinian national unity. President Abbas also valued the positions of Egypt in support of the Palestinian cause at all levels, as well as its role in supporting the rights of the Palestinian people to freedom and independence. He as well briefed his Egyptian counterpart on the latest developments in the Palestinian cause, in light of the Israeli government's continued crimes against the Palestinian people, their land, and their sanctities. Both leaders tackled strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to develop them in all fields. They agreed to continue consultations on various issues of common concern, within the framework of cooperation and coordination between the two countries and leaderships. For his part, the Egyptian President affirmed his country's steadfast and supportive position for the Palestinian cause and the rights of the Palestinian people to obtain their freedom and independence and to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: En - Palestine news & Information Agency - WAFA