Prime Minister Shtayyeh calls on Germany to recognize State of Palestine

Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh today called on Germany to take the initiative to recognize the State of Palestine.

During a meeting with a German parliamentary delegation at his office in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, Prime Minister Shtayyeh urged Germany to take the initiative to recognize the State of Palestine as a means to preserve the two-state solution, which is being systematically and deliberately destroyed by Israel.

After briefing the delegation on the latest political developments in the occupied territories and the incessant Israeli violations, Prime Minister Shtayyeh cautioned that unless Israel pays a heavy price for its illegal colonial occupation of the Palestinian territories, it would be impossible to achieve the two-state solution.

He renewed his call that the international community should pressure Israel to halt all unilateral measures and abide by the signed agreements, including allowing elections to be held in Jerusalem and ensure that Jerusalemite Palestinians are able to run as candidates and cast their ballots in any future elections.

He concluded by commending Germany for supporting Palestine in multiple sectors and for its consistent position in support of the two-state solution.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency