Prison Authority ‘Categorically’ Rejects, Condemns French Media’s Allegations on ‘Mistreatment’ of Detainee T.B.

The General Delegation of the Prison Administration and Rehabilitation (DGAPR) expressed, Friday, its categorical rejection and condemnation of unprofessional practices of a set of French media that have conveyed allegations on an alleged "mistreatment" of the detainee T.B., incarcerated in the local prison El Arjat 2 in Salé, and his deprivation of medical care.

In a clarification, the DGAPR stresses that despite the clarifications made in the statement dated May 13 on the health care provided to the prisoner and that, claiming that he refuses to go to the external hospital dressed in prison uniform and handcuffed as provided by law, under the pretext that this "violates his dignity", while he was, as indicated in the press release, taken to the hospital 11 times, dressed in the same uniform and handcuffed for consultations or medical examinations, the aforementioned media persist in broadcasting allegations and untruths.

These same media have gone so far as to make unfounded allegations of "mistreatment" of the detainee, which the DGAPR categorically denies, while stating that it constantly ensures humane treatment, without discrimination, to all detainees and preserve their dignity and their rights.

In this regard, the General Delegation wonders about the reasons or the people who prompted the family of the detainee to mention, at this particular time, his deprivation of medical care and his mistreatment, when they know full well that since his incarceration, he has not been subjected to any abuse or medical negligence and that they had not filed any complaint before on this subject.

Based on the above, it is clear that the French media aims, through their abject instrumentalization of the allegations of the family of the said detainee and some suspect actors, to damage the image of this department and that of the country, concludes the update.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse