Road Safety Agency Calls for Greater Vigilance amid Eid Al-Adha

Morocco's National Road Safety Agency (NARSA) is urging drivers to exercise greater vigilance in anticipation of the heavy traffic typical of Eid Al-Adha.

In a press release issued on Tuesday, the agency urged road users to take all necessary precautions and measures to ensure preventive and safe road conditions during this period, which is known for heavy traffic on various routes throughout the Kingdom.

In view of the growing demand for intercity public transport, NARSA urges all passengers to wear seat belts and comply with road safety conditions and requirements throughout the journey.

NARSA also emphasizes the need for drivers to subject their vehicles to a thorough mechanical inspection and technical check of safety devices before setting off to ensure that they are in good working order, particularly tires, braking and lighting devices, shock absorbers and windscreen wipers.

Drivers are also urged to get enough rest to drive calmly and avoid any fatigue that could cause concentration problems and affect their ability to judge distances, speed and responsiveness at the wheel, NARSA said.

Travelers are also urged to plan their trips in advance by defining their itineraries to avoid any unpleasant surprises or potential dangers, and to stow and connect luggage safely without overloading the vehicle, especially for drivers of goods and public passenger transport, as this poses a threat to the safety of other road users, the press release added.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse