South Africa’s Organization of BRICS/Africa Meeting Is a Move that Will Hardly Benefit Africa – Academic

South Africa's organization of the BRICS/Africa meeting is an ill-timed initiative that will bring little benefit to Africa, as the host country has never succeeded in bringing countries together or organizing an event aimed at achieving sustainable development, said Mohamed El Abida, Professor of Constitutional Law and Political Science at Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech.

Reacting to statements by an authorized source from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, according to which there had never been any question of Morocco responding positively to the invitation to the "BRICS/Africa" meeting scheduled to take place in South Africa, or of taking part in this meeting at any level whatsoever, El Abida pointed out that the Kingdom's position in this respect is relevant and wise, especially as this meeting will be organized by South Africa, a country known for its hostile attitude towards Morocco’s territorial integrity.

"As South Africa has always shown its hostility to Morocco's higher interests, this meeting will not meet the expectations of Morocco, King and people, nor the interests of the African continent and its aspirations to benefit from current international mutations," he added.

The invitation addressed to Morocco to take part in this meeting did not come from the African Union or the four other member countries of this Grouping to which Morocco is linked by close relations and strategic agreements in various fields, El Abida pointed out.

"South Africa has never succeeded in bringing countries together or ensuring the effective organization of events based on the foundations of judicious diplomacy aimed at achieving sustainable development and supporting societies wishing to belong to this important economic grouping," he added.

In this respect, he welcomed Morocco's position not to take part in the meeting, all the more so as HM King Mohammed VI had repeatedly stressed that Morocco's foreign policy is based on the imperative for countries wishing to establish economic, political and strategic relations with Morocco to clearly express their position in favor of the Kingdom's territorial integrity, and to undertake not to interfere in its internal affairs.

He said that South Africa must revise its foreign policy by refraining from interfering in the internal affairs of countries, while respecting their sovereignty and working to achieve development.

For the Kingdom of Morocco, there has never been any question of responding positively to the invitation to the "BRICS/Africa" meeting scheduled to take place in South Africa, or of taking part in this meeting at any level whatsoever, says an authorized source from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates.

In response to recent media reports referring to a hypothetical bid by the Kingdom to join the "BRICS" group, as well as its possible participation in the next "BRICS/Africa" meeting, scheduled for August 24 in Johannesburg, South Africa, the same source stresses that this was not a BRICS or African Union initiative, but an invitation from South Africa, in its national capacity.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse