October 17, 2024

“His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, has kindly appointed the four members of the National Authority for Integrity and Prevention and Fight Against Corruption, which the law governing this Authority grants the Sovereign the right to appoint.

These Royal appointments aim at completing the composition of this national institution and enabling it to assume the missions conferred to it by the Constitution, in particular in the fields of the implementation of the policies of fight against prevarication, the contribution to the moralization of the public life and the enshrining of the principles of the good governance, the culture of the public service and the values of the responsible citizenship.

They also take place pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution and the new law governing this important constitutional body, as well as with regard to the experience, expertise and skills that these members have in the field of action of the Authority, and the impartiality, neutrality, rectitude and integrity for which they are known.

They are Mr. Abdeslam Imani, Mrs. Nadia Annouz and Mrs. Dounia Ben Abbas Taarji and Mr. Abdessamad Saddouq.

His Majesty the King, may God preserve Him, has also appointed Mr. Ahmed Laamoumri as Secretary general of the Authority.

It should be recalled that His Majesty the King had appointed Mr. Bachir Rachdi as chairman of this Authority.

The National Authority for Integrity and Prevention and Fight Against Corruption, is also composed of:

-Members appointed by the Head of government:

+ Mrs. Ghita Lahlou and Mrs. Naima Benwakrim;

+ MESSRS. Rachid Lamdouar and Abdelmounim Mouhsini.

-Two members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives:

+Mrs. Amina Figuigui and Mr. Noureddine Mouaddib;

-Two members appointed by the speaker of the House of Advisors:

+Mrs. Rabha Zedguiy and Mr. Abdelkhalek Chmmachi”.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse