Strategic Relations between Morocco and Spain, Example for Other Countries to Follow (Spanish PM)

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez reaffirmed on Tuesday the excellent level of relations between his country and Morocco, stressing that the "strategic" ties between Rabat and Madrid are a "good experience" to be exported to other countries.

"Relations between Spain and Morocco are considered by other European governments and by the European Commission as a strategic relationship and a good experience to export to many countries within the framework of their bilateral relations", said Sanchez, who was the guest of a program on the "Telecinco" channel.

"Relations with Morocco are very important and fundamental, particularly in the fields of trade and the economy, since practically all Spanish investments on the African continent are concentrated in Morocco", said the Spanish PM.

Cooperation ties with Morocco are also important in terms of "security, the fight against terrorism and illegal immigration".

Sanchez expressed his solidarity with Morocco, which is "fighting against irregular migration" and has become a host country.

"Often, when we think of immigration, we are not aware that Morocco also suffers from this irregular migration which comes from a very unstable region like the Sahel, and that many young people from these countries are looking for a better future not only in Europe, but also in African countries like Morocco", stressed the Spanish senior official.

"Talking about immigration with Morocco should also mean putting ourselves in its shoes and being aware that the Kingdom is also taking up this challenge," he concluded.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse