Support for National School Health Program Ensures Students’ Good Health – Minister Benmoussa

Support for the national school health program will ensure the good health of students, said Chakib Benmoussa, minister of national education, preschool education and sports, in Rabat on Thursday.

The Moroccan minister's statement came following the signing of a partnership agreement between the Ministry of National Education, Pre-school Education and Sports, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Saham Foundation and the Moroccan Foundation for the Promotion of Pre-school Education to strengthen support for the school health program.

According to him, support for this program aims to raise awareness of health issues in schools so that students can continue their education in the best conditions.

The goal of this agreement is to help children enrolled in preschool from the age of 4 and students in the first year of primary school who suffer from visual and hearing impairments, as well as oral and dental problems, he said.

Support for this promising program will be phased in gradually, with the launch of the pilot phase in the Béni Mellal-Khénifra and Casablanca-Settat regions, he further noted.

This program will help train educators in the preliminary screening of targeted children and students, while mobilizing medical teams for this purpose, stressed Benmoussa.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse