Symposium on ‘Fatwa Rules in African Context’ Kicks Off in Marrakech

The symposium on "Fatwa rules in the African context", organized by the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, began on Saturday in Marrakech.

The inaugural session of this international symposium, which runs from July 8 to 10, was marked by a message addressed to participants by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, read out by the Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq.

The symposium will be attended by over 350 ulema, men and women, from 72 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America, representing Fatwa institutions and Higher Islamic Councils in these countries, as well as presidents and members of sections of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulemas on the continent, and an audience of ulema and alimats from Morocco.

This meeting is part of the efforts made by the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, under the leadership of HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, President of the Foundation, to unify the action and positions of African ulema in the fight against all forms of mystification by zealots, false allegations by impostors and interpretations by the uneducated, and to make noble religious values a lever for stability and development in their respective countries.

This international symposium follows the recommendations of the Higher Council of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, which held its 4th session on October 19-20, 2022 in Fez, concerning the organization of symposiums on the practice of Fatwa in Africa.

A rich program will punctuate the work of this colloquium, dealing in particular with the conceptual authentication and scientific anchoring of Fatwa, the scientific norms and principles of Fatwa and the reality of Fatwa in the African context.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse