Tarascon Court Ruling Is ‘Judicial Victory’ Laying Bare Manipulations of Algeria’s Proxies – French Pundit

The ruling issued by the Tarascon Court (France) condemning the Confédération Paysanne, a French trade union organization used in the judicial harassment of the Morocco-EU agricultural agreement, is a new "judicial victory" for Morocco that lays bare "the manipulations of Algeria's proxies," said French geopolitical strategy expert Jérôme Besnard.

"This judicial victory has the merit of revealing once again the ineffective energy expended by Algeria's proxies, who manipulate part of the French left in order to hinder the development of relations between European countries and Morocco," noted the political scientist in a statement to MAP news agency.

Recalling the recent decision of the London Court of Appeal, which rejected the "fallacious arguments of polisario supporters", the French expert denounced "the stubbornness of part of the French left to support polisario's radicalism rather than the autonomy plan long proposed by Rabat for Morocco's Saharan provinces.”

This stubbornness speaks volumes about its "ideological archaism", pointed out Besnard, for whom the left-leaning Confédération Paysanne, which "relays the propaganda of the polisario and Algeria, has failed in its anti-Moroccan judicial crusade.”

According to the French political scientist, this organization represents a minority position in the French farming world, denouncing the "misuse by certain trade unionists of the union's purpose (to defend French farmers) for political ends,” by joining "the judicial harassment hostile to trade agreements between the European Union and Morocco, tending to deny the Moroccanness of the Sahara.”

On Tuesday, the Tarascon Court issued a ruling condemning the Confédération Paysanne, which aimed to prohibit the French company specializing in the marketing of fruit and vegetables from Morocco, including the Southern Provinces, IDYL, from distributing its products.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse