Tarascon Court Ruling, ‘Victory” for Morocco’s Stance – Portuguese Expert

The ruling issued by the Tarascon Court condemning the Confédération Paysanne, a French trade union organization used in the judicial harassment of the Morocco-EU agricultural agreement, is a "victory" for the soundness and justness of the Moroccan stance, said Portuguese expert Raul Manuel Braga Pires.

Pires told MAP news agency that this decision came from an independent and sovereign court, noting that it represents the best riposte to the enemies of Morocco's territorial integrity.

According to the political analyst, the Tarascon Court's ruling is more than just a victory, as it once again reflects "the soundness of Morocco's stance and its respect for international law."

This decision, which comes just a few weeks after a similar ruling by the London Court of Appeal, will contribute to strengthening the strategic partnership between the European Union and Morocco as a "reliable partnership".

On Tuesday, the Tarascon Court issued a ruling against the Confédération Paysanne, which sought to prohibit IDYL, a French company specializing in the marketing of fruit and vegetables from Morocco, including the Southern Provinces, from distributing its products.

Instrumentalized by the "polisario" and its proxies in France, this French trade union organization was acting for the judicial harassment of the Morocco-EU Agricultural Agreement.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse