Thanks to Wisdom of HM the King, Chairman of Al Quds Committee, Morocco Adopts Balanced Political Approach to Palestinian Cause (Palestinian Political Actor)

Thanks to the far-sighted vision and wisdom of HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, Morocco is one of the few countries that have always adopted a "clear and balanced" political approach to the Palestinian cause and the Middle East peace process, Palestinian political and human rights activist Ali Aouad told MAP.

Aouad was reacting to the granting by the Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, of the Presidential Medal of Honor to HM the King's Advisor, André Azoulay.

Aouad recalled that Palestine and Morocco are linked by strategic relations, thanks to the foresight and insightful vision of HM King Mohammed VI, as well as to the genius of His late Majesty Hassan II, one of the greatest promoters of peace in the Middle East.

He noted that, thanks to the Royal High Directions, the Kingdom continues to defend the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to an independent state, as well as the identity of Al Quds and the rights of the inhabitants of the holy city.

"At the invitation of HM the King's Advisor, André Azoulay, I visited the city of Essaouira, a symbol of peace. Today, Morocco is a country working for peace, under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI", he stressed.

Aouad also praised Morocco's support for Palestinian positions in various international forums, adding that the Kingdom's unwavering attitude was in harmony with the Palestinian people's militancy in favor of freedom and living together.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse