UK Should Recognize Moroccanness of the Sahara (British MP)King Abdullah II of Jordan calls for immediate end to the Israeli aggression

Rabat - The United Kingdom should offer its full support to Morocco and recognize its sovereignty over the Sahara, British MP Liam Fox said on Sunday. "Prior to my visit to Morocco, I sent a written letter to the British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, to draw his attention to the fact that the UK has fallen behind the US on this issue," said Fox in an interview with Medi1TV. "We should offer our full support to Morocco and recognize its sovereignty over the Sahara", he noted, stressing that beyond the economic opportunities this offers, "it is an important element for the stability and security of the region". British recognition of the Moroccanness of the Sahara is also important in the fight against irregular migration, he underlined, explaining that such recognition "would therefore be part of a win-win partnership". "Through my letter, I wanted to draw Mr. Cameron's attention to this issue as soon as he took office, as well as to the importance of this question for our bilateral relations," noted Fox. "I reminded Mr. Cameron, who is a friend and whose government I was a member of when he was Prime Minister, of Morocco's importance on the multilateral stage, both politically and economically", he added. "An increasing number of British MPs are convinced by Morocco's approach to resolving this dispute. They are even somewhat frustrated by London's lack of progress on the issue", said Fox. According to him, it is the realism of the Moroccan approach that is enabling progress to be made on this issue. Fox also noted that relations between Morocco and the United Kingdom are constantly evolving, stressing that Morocco is increasingly attractive to foreign direct investment (FDI) thanks in particular to "its geostrategic importance, as several countries see it as a gateway to Africa". He added that the UK's exit from the EU is seen as an opportunity for London to develop trade relations with our partners and "Morocco is a priority country for the UK in economic, commercial and foreign policy terms". Hi s Majesty King Mohammed VI has ensured the implementation of an ingenious strategy that should serve as a model for the creation of an investment-friendly environment, as well as for economic reforms and structuring projects involving renewable energies, water desalination, as well as increased agricultural production and GDP, said Fox. The Sovereign has also been behind the development of human capital, and it is all these achievements that make Morocco a priority partner for many countries, including the UK, he pointed out. Morocco stands out as an international crossroads and gateway to Africa, especially as it has excellent bilateral relations with many countries on the continent, added the Conservative MP. "Casablanca stands out as an international aviation hub and the only way to reach several African capitals from the UK," he stressed. Thanks to its many commercial partnerships, Morocco can facilitate trade between Europe and Africa, concluded Fox. Asked about his 2023 visit to Dakhla, Fox said he was "impressed by the development of the city's education and health infrastructure, not to mention the port of Dakhla, which will be a vital link in African trade". The Moroccan Sahara shows that economic development is the best way out of conflict and war towards coexistence and a sustainable future, he stressed, adding that "this is a very important message for young people and an example that can be reproduced in several regions of the world". Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse AMMAN: King Abdullah II of Jordan warned today against the catastrophic repercussions of the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza, emphasizing the urgent need to address the tragic humanitarian crisis in the region. In a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday, King Abdullah II reiterated Jordan's strong rejection of the forced displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, considering it a clear violation of international law. He underscored the necessity of enabling the people of Gaza to return to their homes. The Jordanian monarch affirmed the significance of the United States' role in pressuring for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, protecting civilians, and ensuring the sufficient and sustainable delivery of humanitarian, medical, and relief aid to the region. Emphasizing that the region won't witness stability without a just solution to the Palestinian issue, achieving fair and comprehensive peace based on a two-state solution, King Abdullah II affirmed the Kingdom's reject ion of attempts to separate Gaza and the West Bank. King Abdullah II condemned the acts of violence by colonial settler militias against Palestinians and the repeated violations against Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, calling for addressing these issues promptly to prevent further escalation in the region. Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA