Bulgarian Media Outlet Highlights Tourist Assets of Morocco and its Capital

Sofia – Bulgarian news portal “Frog News” dedicated a feature on Friday to the tourist assets of the Kingdom, an attractive destination, and its capital Rabat.

“Morocco has always been an attractive and sought-after destination. A place where one can go back in time hundreds of years and touch real life, far from the modern hustle and bustle,” writes the media outlet under the headline “Morocco and the imperial cities.”

According to the article published in the “Business and Tourism” section, Morocco is also a place where the wealth, Arab splendor, and hospitality of the locals cannot be found anywhere else.

On the specifics of the Kingdom’s capital, the Bulgarian media believes that Rabat is not a typical capital, as every stone there tells a story and bears witness to a glorious past.

“Frog News” gives an overview of the capital’s main monuments, inviting travelers to visit the mausoleum of Mohammed V and the Hassan Tower, “one of Morocco’s national symbols.”

Besides its magnificent beaches cradled by
the ocean’s restless waves, Rabat boasts fabulous green spaces such as the Jardin d’essais botaniques and the Jardins exotiques de Bouknadel, not far from the city.

“Frog News” also refers to Moroccans’ love of nature, pointing out the incredible variety of natural remedies and products used by locals in their daily lives.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse