Israel surges its colonial activity in occupied West Bank: Report

NABLUS: A report prepared by the National Office for Land Defense and Settlement Resistance said that the occupation government surged its colonial activity in the occupied West Bank, coinciding with the ongoing brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The office added in its weekly settlement report issued today, that the occupation continues its brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip, and the Israeli Prime Minister is following the mirage of ‘absolute victory,’ without paying attention to the image of Israel as a pariah state in wide circles of public opinion around the world.

The report pointed out that the occupation is continuing a brutal war in the West Bank, tearing it apart with military checkpoints and iron gates at the entrances and exits of its cities, towns, and villages, turning them into something resembling ‘prisons,’ and at the same time launching a powerful wave of colonization, and exploiting the incidents of killing colonists to launch a new wave. Of construction in the colonies.

For Netanyahu,
the current government represents the ‘wood of salvation’ from the miserable political future that awaits him if the war on Gaza ends, without him achieving his dream of ‘absolute victory,’ and he realizes before anyone else that it is just an illusion that Netanyahu’s plan ‘for today’ will be difficult to achieve. ‘Next,’ which is a plan based, in essence, on deepening the occupation and colonization at the same time.

The new colonial construction in Ma’ale Adumim was followed, without resorting to pretexts, by the construction of a new colony east of Bethlehem, in a large project that includes more than 13,000 new colonial units, to be built in two phases, in accordance with the decision issued by the Netanyahu government in February 2023. By legitimizing 9 colonial outposts and building thousands of units.

The “Commander of the Central Region” in the occupation army, Yehuda Fuchs, signed an order specifying the jurisdiction of the new colony north of the town of Al-Ubaidiyah, in the Bethlehem Governorate
, according to what the Israeli “Peace Now” movement reported, indicating that this new colony will include in the phase The first is 3,600 colonial units, on a land of 417 dunums, and in the second phase, it is scheduled to expand to an additional 2,000 dunams and another 10,000 units for Haredi colonists. This would undermine the chances of a two-state solution.

The report stated: “The colonists’ leaders praised the official approval of the municipal boundaries of the new colony in the ‘Gush Etzion’ area, where the colony is located, which bears the name ‘Mishmar Yehuda,’ which is essentially the former illegal colonial outpost of ‘Mitzpe Yehuda,’ which is also known as the Farm. ‘Kedar Zon’ is located on an area of 417 dunams of land to the south of the ‘Maale Adumim’ settlement in the Jerusalem desert, but it will be attached to the ‘Gush Etzion’ Regional Council, whose main settlements are located to the south. The land on which the new colony will be built has been registered in the name of an Israeli
company. Headquartered in Kiryat Arba.”

It is noteworthy that Ben Gvir holds weekly deliberations, every Thursday, in which representatives from all the ‘Israeli security services’ participate, including the Inspector General of the Police and its leadership, the Prison Service, the Fire Services, a permanent representative from the Shin Bet, and another from the Army.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA