Israeli forces bulldoze large tracts of agricultural land east of Tulkarem

TULKAREM: Israeli occupation bulldozers proceeded today to bulldoze large tracts of Palestinian-owned agricultural land at the entrance to the village of Ramin east of Tulkarem, according to local sources.

Sources told WAFA that large military forces cordoned off the village following a military incursion, deployed their military vehicles at its main entrance, and carried out bombings in the area.

The occupation bulldozers began to level the agricultural land, starting from the entrance of the town, all the way to the Ramin plain. The lands belong to dozens of families in the village.

Meanwhile, a group of colonists, accompanied by the occupation forces, broke into the area and set fire to the agricultural land, which spread and consumed the surrounding lands.

The occupation forces further set up flying military checkpoints along the main road towards the military checkpoint of Annab. east of Tulkarem. and prevented vehicles from crossing. The road connects the said area to the city of Nablus.

Source: P
alestine News and Information Agency – WAFA