Israeli forces demolish house, detain WAFA photojournalist near Bethlehem

BETHLEHEM: Israeli occupation forces Tuesday began demolishing a house in the town of Tuqu’, southeast of Bethlehem, and detained a photographer working for the Palestinian News and Information Agency (WAFA).

The director of the Tuqu’ village council Tayseer Abu Mufreh told WAFA correspondent that the occupation bulldozers began demolishing a house located in Khirbet al-Deir area, which belongs to local resident Saher Salim Ayyash, who lives in it with eight members of his family, and consists of two floors, each floor is 140 square meters, under the pretext that it was built without having a permit.

According to WAFA correspondent, the occupation forces detained Ahmed Mazhar, a photojournalist working for WAFA News Agency, for a period of time before releasing him, and threatned to detained him if he is present in this area.

The occupation forces, with military reinforcements, stormed the Khirbet al-Deir area, and were stationed next to the boys’ schools on the main street, in preparation for demolishing
Ayyash’s house, where they fired tear gas and sound bombs at the citizens, preventing them from reaching the place.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA