Kampala: 3rd South Summit Opens with Morocco’s Participation?

Kampala – The 3rd Summit of the Group of 77 + China (South Summit) kicked off in Kampala on Sunday, with Morocco taking part alongside some one hundred other countries.

Morocco is represented at this two-day event by a delegation led by the Ambassador Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations, Omar Hilale, and including Zakaria El Goumiri, HM the King’s Ambassador to Dar es Salaam, Mohamed Methqal, Ambassador and Director General of the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation, and Abdellah Ben Mellouk, Director of Multilateral Cooperation and International Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates.?

The opening ceremony was marked by the official handover from Qatar to Uganda of the presidency of the Summit, which aims to breathe new life into cooperation between the 134 member states of the Group of 77 and strengthen South-South cooperation more generally, particularly in the fields of trade, investment, sustainable development
and climate change.?

In a speech on the occasion, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stressed that, while cooperation in the South is growing, it is necessary for the North to strengthen its commitment to reducing poverty and inequality, sustaining growth and fostering resilience in developing countries.

For his part, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni noted that the 3rd South Summit will persist in its vital role of supporting the efforts of developing countries, underlining the need for unity among G77 member states + China to urge the international community to support developing countries and address pressing global challenges, such as poverty and climate change.

Source:Agency Morocaine De Presse