Palestinian prisoner dies in Israel prisons: Tenth case since October 7

RAMALLAH: The Palestinian Detainees Affairs Authority and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) confirmed today the death of a Palestinian detainee from Gaza in the Israeli prison of Ramla, with ongoing efforts to inform his family prior to officially declaring his name.

According to available information, the detainee had a pre-existing mobility disability prior to his arrest. He was transferred to Ramla prison about a month ago, arriving in critical health due to torture by Israeli occupation forces. The torture caused severe wounds to the detainee’s body, as reported by one of the lawyers who recently visited Gaza detainees at Ramla prison.

The fellow detainees informed the lawyer, who was not identified by the two organizations, that the detainee had passed away last Tuesday after being transferred to the hospital. Subsequently, the prison administration notified them of this without an official announcement, reflecting the continued crime of enforced disappearance that the Israeli occupation persist
s in implementing against detainees from Gaza since October 7.

The two advocacy organizations stated that the escalating number of martyrs in Israeli prisons after October 7, due to torture, systematic retaliatory measures, and medical negligence crimes, constitutes a clear decision to kill them.

The statement said that this crime comes within the framework of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the all-out aggression against the Palestinian people, in addition to the crime of enforced disappearance, which today represents one of the most significant premeditated and serious crimes that the occupation insists on committing against Gaza detainees.

Human rights organizations have been calling on international institutions at all levels to stop the crime of enforced disappearance, which the Israel occupation uses to commit more crimes without any oversight and in secrecy. This is alongside manipulating the law to carry out such practices, approving regulations specifically targeting Gaza detainees.

Of note, the
number of Palestinian detainees who have died in Israeli prisons since October 7 has reached 10 to this day, including three from Gaza, one of whom remains unidentified.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA